Famous People of German Ancestry

Every once in a while you'll hear a person make a snide remark about German people, they'll often say "ugh, those Nazis" "ugh, those...
6 11

Clogs - the Perfect Spring Shoe

Clogs may look uncomfortable, but that's just because with them, the trick is: you have to find the perfect pair that fits you like a...
4 1

Maxi Dresses + Leather Jackets = Match Made In Fashion Heaven

A black leather jacket - a bit shorter than usual (the shorter the jacket the taller you'll look) and a maxi dress that pairs with it...
2 2

The Philosophy Behind the Imperfectly Shaped Heart

It seems as if the symbol of love or the graphic denotation for love in the human perception is always drawn in a way that is "perfect"....
2 1

If You're Constantly Being Rejected, Maybe You Need to Lower Your Standards

Here's a harsh dose of reality: People are superficial. Let's get this one out of the way. Men, women, children, potted plants. We're...
23 62

Plus Size is the New Thin!

Firstly I just want to start off with a bit about me so you can understand a little more. I’m a teenage girl who uses social media but...
38 54

Why I Stopped Dating For A While

I used to complain a lot about being single and how most of everyone I know is in a relationship or married but me.I’ve decided to do a...
6 15

Why are guys so impatient?

Why do guys think a girl wants to chat with them when her head is messed up from going out and partying with her girlfriends the night...

Would it be a turn off if a girl doesn't initiate phycial contact?

I have issues showing any type of interest in a guy more than asking him out and agreeing to dates. Any type of physical contact or...

What does it mean when a guy stops watching your snapchat story?

He added me a year and a half ago and everyday he watches it but sometimes he stops watching it for a week. Does it mean he's mad at me...

Do you think women are becoming the new dominant sex?

Increasingly, we can see a shift in the demographics in the west. Women achieve 2 degrees for every 1 a male achieves. Women are...

Chemistry vs compatibility: which is more important?

And why? Can you be with someone you have great chemistry but nothing in common with, or can you be with someone where the...

Do you think having friends is pointless?

i realized I have none. Acquaintances, but no real friends. Im not so sure that's a bad thing. All of my 'friends' were the...

Is a casual relationship worth holding on to?

If you're with a person that won't/isn't ready to commit is it crazy to wait for them to commit? Is it better to move on?
7 17

What does a full body contact hug mean to you? Who do you give on too?

This means the chest, torso, groin areas are touching. Maybe your head is resting/touching the side of your partners. Does it mean a...
6 5

My boyfriend doesn't like me checking out other guys?

FYI: I get very attracted to tanned-dark skinned guys (e. g. African guys, arab guys) Anyway, he knows this so whenever we go out to...
14 11

My boyfriend keeps asking if I love him?

Whenever we are together, he would ask me "do you love me?" or "how much do you love me 1-10?" He has said 'i love you' to me a lot of...
9 23

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