Anyone angry over circumcision? I hate my parents for allowing it.

I can't stand it, this practice is mutilation! I have a sensitive part of my body removed that I will never get back...I hate my mom for allowing it to happen...its not normal is sick, twisted and disgusting, I wonder ow my mom would feel if she had a body part removed from her against her will, we got in an argument about it...i proved to her it was totally unnecessary and she's a sick twisted person for thinking its OK.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I wish every day that I wasn't circumcised. I would give up everything I have to have a whole and complete body. What mother would take a knife to her own son? Who would hurt their own child? Whenever my mom said something like "I would die for you, never let anyone harm you," I just couldn't believe her. My glans rubs against my clothing all day and causes me constant pain. Sex will never be as pleasurable for me, and women prefer uncirced men because it gives them more pleasure too. I am jealous of dogs. Maybe in heaven I will have my foreskin? I just wish I had been given the choice of which body parts I got to keep and which were thrown in the dumpster. I was a beautiful baby boy and my own mother couldn't accept all of me. Minutes after birth I had to be butchered. Even though I know she thought it was best, never intended any harm, and wasn't even the one who wanted it (Dad did), I can't trust her. I could never get close to her, and I'm in my twenties and living on my own now. No matter how I consciously think, I feel deep down that my mother didn't save me from harm the one chance she had.

    I feel terrible knowing any man, no matter how average, could please my girlfriend more than I can.

    I feel like a woman who had one breast amputated so that "you would have a 50% less chance of breast cancer". Any woman in that state would be breast-obsessed and feel inferior to every woman on the street. She would feel unsexy and incomplete. That is how I feel. All men have an invisible competition with each other and I am always the loser because I'm not really a man. I am what is left over of what could have been a man.

    I have a good job, a girlfriend who loves me and I plan on marrying, and many friends. I still feel incomplete because despite all that I have, I don't have my own body. I never got used to it, I just learned to endure it. I am disgusted with my own penis - it is scarred and repulsive. I was denied my sexuality, and sexual pleasure, the beautiful union that joins two souls.

    Why did my parents do this to me? Why couldn't they love me for who I was? Did the 9 months in my mother mean anything? I know they didn't think it would cause me pain, but I've never healed from the scars they left on my soul. No matter what I think, deep down I don't trust them, don't want to be near them, and am scared of what they are capable of. I know these are irrational thoughts but I can't get them out of my head and it has poisoned my relationship with them. I never told them how I felt, because it would break their heart to know I hate and resent them, but I never bonded with my own parents because of my own one-sided anger, and that hurts just as much as being incomplete.

    • WTF? Where did you ever hear a woman complain that you were cut? You sound like the dipwad who started this thread...just f'n get over it! Maybe the reason you can't satisfy a woman is because you're too busy whining about your lost foreskin! Yeah, that's why I'm unemployed, fat, and can't get a girl - my parents had my d*** cut when I was a baby.

    • @zagor why do men who were mutilated at birth get so indignant about men who aren't happy to have been mutilated by their parents request? If you truly were happy with having the most sensitive parts of your dicks destroyed, it wouldn't bother you that a lot of guys are pissed about it.

    • @Drealgrin I am quite happy with my penis. I have no complaints about its size, sensitivity, performance... and I sure as hell don't miss having a flap of skin over it to give infection an extra place to hide. As for losing at some kind of competition because he's circumsized - well some women like them better cut, some uncut, most don't give a shit. To whine incessantly about this just shows what a pathetic wreck these people are when they have to blame their problems on having some loose skin cut off their penis as infants. Some people lose their mother as infants - this guy lost his foreskin. To have that set the basis for his relationship with his parents - oh my, I can't trust them lest they come for the rest of my penis - is a sign of issues far bigger than a flap of skin. I had a mean kindergarten teacher who targeted me and made me stay in at recess. I guess I should have spent the rest of my life bemoaning my fate and cursing her memory.

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  • I've never seen so many stupid f***s and dumb bitches in one place. I can relate to everything OP said, and in no way is he a p**** for being angry at his mother about the circumcision. If you're one of the homosexuals who posted here trying to degrade him for it, I suggest you shut the f*** up and get yourself educated.

    Circumcision has ruined my life as well. As I got older and discovered masturbation, I realized I could regulate the flow of blood under my penis, where the veins integrated with the scar skin outside. It affected everything in me, literally. From all my 5 senses,my thinking process, to causing great anger for no reason and great depression. It almost acted like some unnatural valve that shouldn't be there. Ofcoarse, I couldn't explain this to any1, and even when I tried, no1 could relate to what I was saying, because that situation was unique to only me. Anyways, one day I guess I touched it the wrong way or too rough and it caused even more blockage, that only got worse and worse. My family keeps telling me to go get it checked out, but I don't think its fixable at this point and have lost all trust in doctors.

    Ive been dealing with this ever since I hit puberty, instead of enjoying life. I'm now in my mid 20s and am seriously considering suicide. I'm even studying afterlife and reincarnation before I do it. All because of the stupid, unnecessary, barbaric f***ing surgery. Not to mention, I'm actually really good looking and had to turn down a good share of fine, beautiful girls because of it.

    Do you see it now? Did that paint a pretty good picture of what its like for males like us, and what we have to go through? Some dudes might not have a problem with it, and it that's fine if that's what you want. I would have no complaints, if I decided to get circumscribed when I was old enough to know that I didn't need my penis for just peeing, instead of being no older than 6 and having my retarded family convince me that I will be unworthy in the eyes of God, if I didn't get it done...If you're intact, you have no idea how good you have it, and how much sh*t you don't have to deal with.

    • Talk about the ultimate Rich World Problem farce...

Most Helpful Girls

  • Anonymous User... you have every right to be livid with your parents. That being said, I assume that most of these posts are made by ignorant, immature and shallow girls. I'm pleased to say I'm a female American intactivist. A man has every right to ALL of his anatomy. Those who are posting of the 'medical' benefits would be smart to note that even the American Cancer Association and American Association of pediatrics doesn't consider this procedure necessary until there actually IS a problem. This argument comes down to a culture of shallow people, mostly women. The prevention of HIV amongst the masses is better prevented by the use of condoms.

    Also, I'd like for everyone to check out an actual circumcision procedure. Now ladies... as a new mother I can honestly tell you that subjecting a newborn child to such a painful procedure is not only dangerous, its immoral. How many of you can honestly tell me that you'd allow someone to strap your child's legs apart while he is dissected without anesthetic? I can tell you the screams and cries will burn a hole right through you. I half suspect most of you to continue in your ignorance and not actually 'watch' a procedure being performed in order to blind yourself of the truth, but that's not my problem. Just wait until your child is like this poor guy who is approaching you and asking "why did you mutilate me?" All you'll be able to say is that "we didn't care about you or what you'd want, its about what we want". Great parenting!

    I'd also like to note for those girls out there that the female genitalia is no prize. We have a higher chance of developing an infection than an intact male ever would. The ACTUAL statistics is less than 1%. An intact male has a 1% chance of getting an infection, while a mutilated male has a .1% chance. Either way you look at it, the percentages don't justify it. However, I would like to add for all those discriminatory ladies out there, if you cut off a girls clitoral hood they have a lesser chance of getting an infection... so I guess that means we should start doing that to baby girls or they'll have a 4% chance of infection ;) Don't screw with those of us who actually know the facts or we'll make you eat~* your words.


    • Thank you! finally a woman who understands...its just not right..its a baby having his penis sick is that? who cares what's traditional or common? it is what it is.

  • I don't think your mom is a sick, twisted person for thinking it's okay. Circumcision is done for a number of reasons and used to be pretty routine (at least in a number of countries, especially in North America). For many, its for religious reasons, and it was also commonly believed that circumcision was more hygienic (which is not necessarily true) and decreased the chances of someone getting HIV when they would eventually become sexually active (which we also know now to be false). I don't think a lot of people really considered that circumcision is a form of mutilation, and it was also believed that pain does not adversely affect babies since they don't remember it (another fallacy).

    I don't agree with male circumcision, but when considering the decisions your parents made, you have to consider them in their context. We've come along way in our thinking and knowledge when it comes to this topic.

    On the other side of the coin, my mother once confided in me that she worries my younger brother might have negative feelings toward her because she chose NOT to have him circumcised (we live in a culture where most boys his age are circumcised and she was worried that he might be or feel like he might be discriminated because he ISN'T circumcised).

    • Relgion and culture do not jsutify mutlitaltion, how abotu female circumcision in africa is ta texcusable because its cultutral and relgious in nature....I don't care, my parents signed forms to let me be mutilated, I don't care for what idtioc reason tey did it....I think your brother is a lucky one..and if he does want it done later he can when its HIS choice to make.

    • I'm not saying it JUSTIFIES it, I'm saying that often those are the reasons people choose to do something, and the majority of people don't put enough thought into why they do things, they just go with the crowd. Your parents likely chose to circumcise you based on societal or religious pressures and commonly held (false) opinions of the time. I don't argree with any circumcision, male or female, but I still don't think you should hate your mother for it. I doubt she had any malicious intent.

    • I don't care...if my mom really loved me she would never be okay with sexually mutilating me...if she didn't relaize that's what it was..then she's a moron....I don't care what intent she had...she was indifferent to it atleast..didn't have any concern for me....she should never have been allowed to have children

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  • Hi. I'm from the UK, hardly anyone here is circ'd. I can't believe that girls in the US like it more circ'd, I don't believe they have ever been with an uncirc'd man, saying all the things they have said. I have only been with one circ'd man who was an ex and sex was not good, because it just felt too rough, and I would get dry in no time, and It would become uncomfortable. There is something you can do though, you can get your foreskin restored (foreskin restoration). There are lots of methods, do a google search. Basically you stretch the shaft skin over the head, and in time new cells grow and eventually it completely covers the head, like the foreskin did. I say do that, you will have reclaimed you body back then, and no matter what girls say, when you have sex, it will feel better for both people.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 11
  • She's not sick, it's totally normal. Most women prefer it and it prevents STDs. There's really nothing to complain about here, unless yours was botched or something.

    • The medical community is still divided.....any advantages are equally outweighed by difficulties

    • It doesn't PREVENT STDs. Even the wildest claims at the moment are only stating that there's a 60% reduction of risk - but that's 60% of a 1 in 10000 chance when using condoms, which is not worth the loss of sensation. Bear in mind that cut guys are less inclined to use condoms because of reduced sensitivity and there's no benefit at all to circumcision. Most women who have had intact and circumcised partners prefer the INTACT guys, for a host of reasons relating to sexual pleasure.

    • Yeah, sue, where the hell you getting your stats from, and how many guys have you fcked? A bunch of pasty pansies no doubt.

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  • I'm against the procedure too but I don't think your mom is a twisted person. She probably thought it was the right thing to do at the time. Up until the late 80s here in North America it was almost universal. People commonly believed (and probably still do) that it has all kinds of health benefits. It wasn't really until the last 20 years or so that the procedure was widely called into question. It's likely she thought she was saving you from disease though it turned out not to be the case.

    As I'm sure you can see by now, circumcision is still a very touchy subject. Both proponents and opponents tend to be VERY adamant in their beliefs. I know you feel robbed and you have my sympathy for that but I'm sure your mom is a kind, caring woman.

    By the way have you ever heard of foreskin restoration? Google it. Many people still have some of the original foreskin tissue left over after circumcision. If you're very dedicated, you can restore it by stretching this tissue. The result is a convincing and natural foreskin although it lacks some things like the ridged band so that the foreskin is a bit "looser" than a natural one but it's quite close in most ways.

    • How could a non-twisted person allow some to cut off part o their children's sexual organ? My mom is not kidn anc caring...I wish she would have been infertile.

  • Well if you've never had sex uncircumcised you won't be able to tell the difference; But it is pretty cruel to do so, not to mention there's really no reason besides religious reasons . The foreskin is supposed to be pretty sensitive and also reduce your chances of urinary tract infections.

    There's basically no reason to cut it off.

    That I know of; I might be incorrect.

    • I know! its so sick...and to put a baby throught that....I'm so angry at how riduclous it is...and I'll never get to know how it hate my mom....she ruined my body...I hate hate hate her for it

    • Well she didn't ruin it, you're ruining your body by hating it. You went through a lot as a baby, you don't even remember it. Get over it and be glad they didn't just cut your entire d*** off.

    • I bet they would have if some relgious idiot told them too...The point is that I have a mutilated sexual organ...I have every rite to hate that my body has been disfigured....I love my body...i hate what was grotesquely done to it.

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  • Nice try, undercover uncircumcised guy

    • Why do you say that?

    • I wish I was uncircumcisized...btw I've seen ur comments think ur funny? quit wasting my time please.

    • Because these weirdos that are uncircumcised are always saying things like "circumcision is mutilation" to try and make themselves feel better for have a smegma covered anteater penis. BTW nice to see that I'm a celebrity on here.

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  • dude, you're being a baby.

    I'm uncircumcised. You aren't missing a whole lot, trust me.

    You have bigger issues to deal with. Like freaking out over things that don't matter.

    • Lots of men would disagree. What an insensitive bunch you are, treating a man badly because he cares that something was torn from his body as an infant. What unsympathetic bastards.

    • Umm I beg to differ. Thank your parents they kept you whole. As a woman I can tell you that sex is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better with someone who's uncut. I don't even know how women say they experience orgasms with cut men because it's physically impossible to even stimulate the g spot with a smooth penis. Hence why ribbed condoms and dildos exist.

  • Sounds like she made a bigger mistake of letting you grow up as a big vagina

  • I am an incircumcised guy and I would have hate it to be circumcised.
    Especially if i didn't have a say in it.
    If i ever had a son, i would (quite literally) chop the hand off from whoever who would circumcise him.
    If at a later age (because it looks sexy or more friction or girls like it or whatever)... he decides to get a circumcision.. no problem.

  • Get over it dude. I don't think your lack of a foreskin is what is messing up your life.

    • No, not the lack of foreskin, but the psychological effect of having his bodily integrity taken away from him. The two are inextricably linked. It is not the physical effect that has damaged this man, but the psychological consequences of the physical act. And that is yet one more reason that such an act should not be allowed.

    • You wouldn't happen to be a psych major, would you? One who is unemployed?

  • I hate it too. every time I shower, change clothes, use the bathroom, even make love, I'm confronted by the fact that I can never be whole, in the most personal way. It feels like sexual harassment every single time. I've always hated it ever since I found out it had been done to me. I've though about suicide so many times, but I keep going by working against the practice as an activist, and hoping that regenerative medicine will one day make me able to have some form of a happy life by being something close to whole again.

    I wish my parents and the doctor who did this were in jail for what they've done, the bottom line is they knew it wasn't their body, and wasn't theirs to amputate parts from. I no longer speak to my parents because of it, and I'm very much hoping I will never see them again.

  • Wow... that's very harsh. I think yelling at your mom about anything is completely disrespectful.. but have you considered any other points of view? The Bible does say that boys should be circumsized.

    • The bible says a lot of things. =|

    • The bible says alto fo ridiculous things, it gives intructions on how to sell your daughter into slavery, says that rape victims should marry their rapists, and says children should be stoned for disobeying their parents....F*** the bible

    • The old testament does but I think it was St. Paul who argued that unlike for Jews, circumcision was not necessary to be a Christian.

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  • These comments seem suspiciously extreme. I had it done when I was 16, I know the difference. No biggie. I seriously doubt your lack of a flap of skin us what's making you feel like less of a man

    • Actually resdedescvactram they're not the only ones I know who hate being circ. Look online. There's a crapload of men who hate it. I myself have met men who hate being but. And plus you were already 16 and I'm sure you had a saying in your procedure. Frankly i think you're full of shit. I've been with both kinds and intact men seem to enjoy it more, in my opinion.

  • Ladies, keep in mind that in the past resentment about circumcision was not mainstream because most people did not know the facts about circumcision. Today it is a different story. Thanks to the internet the facts of circumcision are well known. The reality is the foreskin is part of the male sexual experience. When a man loses his foreskin, he loses a great deal of sexual sensation. If you do choose to circumcise your baby, do not be surprised when your baby grows up to hate your guts for what you have done to them. It is 2015 - there is no excuse to circumcise at birth.

  • Yes, I feel resentment towards my parents too. I know it's not healthy, but genital mutilation, whether male or female is totaly fucked up. It's silly to say that "oh, we know more now and you shouldn't blame them for being ignorant." ridiculous. We came into this world perfect, disfiguring a perfect baby doens't happen because you don't "know" better, it happens because many parents and doctors are unfortunately divorced from their own hearts. It is very clear to me that circumcision is a mark of evil and I hope that people aren't disillusioned by this. All due respect to the women here, but you really can't speak about male circumcision. It is offensive to say things like a cut penis pleases you more. Is the manipulation of a man's penis for the purpose of pleasing you sexually? There is a very dark agenda here behind this practice and many other things like C-section births that has to do with damaging the energetic body of humans. I would be interested to know which meridians are along the line of where the foreskin is cut and what it relates to. I wouldn't be surprised if it was related with the liver or anger and resentment haha but at least I can laugh, although it is very short lived.
    I must say however, that even though this happened "to" me, I cannot act like some victim. I know that everything we have in life (CIRCUMstances, experiences, traumas, etc.) is all because we attract them. We call for them. Probably clearing the calling is the real healing. I think I have to find a way to forgive my parents if that can happen, but it seems impossible.
    Best Wishes to all

  • I hate that I was circumcisied too. I was in a very very dark place for a long time over it. Now I actively fight against circuncision and have nearly restored my foreskin. Although I may look intact my soul is scared forever. I can never bring my self to forgive my mother for what was done to me. I didn't even find out I was circumcisied until I was 17 and the night I found out my whole world crashed around me.

    Nearly all the women in the world have sex with intact men considering only less than 15% of men are cut world wide. Many guys who are cut refuse to admit they are missing out either because they believe it better or admiring otherwise would require them to admit they are less than their intact peers.

    Circumcision is mutilation to the definition and thinking otherwise is wrong and inhuman. All people desire their whole bodies. Not just women and those who criticize men who speak out and admit their feelings, are wrong!

  • Hating your Mom over this isn't going to change anything. You're bitterness isn't hurting's hurting you. You obviously have far more issues to think about rather than whether you were circumcised or not. Personally, I find uncircumcised penis' to be dirtier usually and if I know a guy has's an instant turn off. You should thank your Mom. Removing that foreskin is almost like removing a humongous wasn't doing you any favours and you look 100% better w/o it.

    • I don't care what you think...if you like a body part better when its mutilated that ur choice...What if I liked girls who had their clits partly cut? and kno hating my mom won';t ever restore my body but that's no reasont o forgive her for what's she's done to me...I hope she expexeierences the sense of loss I do and gets cancer or something.then shell kno