Do guys forget their crush easily?

I'm looking a deep answer over here.. and I swear I feel like dying if I don't know what's going on,... so please help me.. Appreciate everything THANKS! :) :) :) a.) If he liked a girl and knows she likes him too, but is too shy to do anything and asking him is out of the option, would he forget her for someone else... I mean, how fast would guys forget their girl, and what does it take to make them forget? Please don't say it depends on the guy... b.) Does looking at a girl mean he likes her? , Because that's all he does for this other girl... or so she says but I've seen once or twice, when I'm around her. How should a guy look at a girl, for us to know that he is in love with her? c.)You feel these weird feeling around your tummy and with your heart beat getting faster and brain goes into, "total-freeze phase", when you are around the guy you like, right? So would he feel that, that you are feeling this way? I once heard, that if you feel weird, when you are alone with him, then if he likes you, he would feel it too... is that true? Plus, would he feel it, if he didn't like you either? d.) What's the meaning of chemistry between two people?

Do guys forget their crush easily?
Do guys forget their crush easily?
10 Opinion