How to NOT break up with someone


When you don't feel the same spark that you used to with someone telling them that it's over can seem like the worst thing that you can ever do. Believe it or not there is an easy right way to do it but a lot of people opt for the difficult and more painful wrong way. Try to avoid these and make the break up easier for everyone.

How to NOT break up with someone

1. Ignoring the person

This may seem like the easiest option because you may think that eventually the person will get the message and move on with their life without anyone having to have their feelings hurt. Chances are though that the person is probably wondering what they did wrong and how they can fix it which will end up making more trouble for you in the long run. There will be many unwanted phone calls, text messages, and visits to your house if you choose this way and in the end you could end up blowing up at this person and hurting them further. Avoid doing this option.

2. Blaming the person

So while you may have had the courage to tell them you want out you end up blaming them for what they did wrong. While they may have done things to push you over the edge like constantly start fights or act shady it isn't a good idea to make the person feel like they were the cause of ruining the entire relationship. If they were happy in the relationship this will make them feel horrible and they will blame themselves because they heard it from you.

3. Texting the person

It may not seem like a big deal to someone until it happens to them. The last thing someone wants to see on there phone is a text message saying something like "it's over" or "I'm breaking up with you." There is no nice way to break up with someone over text it really doesn't work and it makes it look like you have no respect for the person at all.

4. Cheating

Some people want out of a relationship so badly that instead of just telling the person they want out they are willing to cheat and hope that the person will break up with them. This one should be obvious but I will explain it anyway. If you are cheating with someone you would rather be with than your current SO if she finds out that you were cheating she won't trust you and you might ruin any chance of a relationship with the person. If it was just a hook up think of what your SO will say about you to the people around you? You don't want people to think less of you... right?

So how should you break up with someone? It isn't easy to tell someone you don't love them anymore, especially if they still love you and it is hard to hurt someone's feelings but the right way to break up with someone is to meet up with them in person and tell them how you are feeling. Don't blame them for things that they may have done wrong during the relationship. They may want to try and fix things and it is up to you whether you want to give the relationship another go or not. If you don't tell them that you want to move on. Try and make it more about how you are feeling so that they don't feel like they ruined everything.

How to NOT break up with someone
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