Get Over a Breakup


Get Over a Breakup

  • Accept the fact that it's over. Avoid second-guessing yourself once you end the relationship. Even if you did not end it, don’t start wondering what you did wrong. Relationships end for good reasons. One of you wasn’t happy or getting what you wanted.

  • Cut all ties with that person. At least for a while.

  • Let go of the negativity. Regardless of what happened to end your relationship, don’t hold a grudge. Don’t hate your ex forever and tell everyone that he or she is a bad person. Don’t let your ex have that kind of hold over you anymore.

Get Over a Breakup

  • Exercise. The dopamine and adrenaline really help to get you through a tough time, it affords you some time to think everything through + your body will thank you for it.

  • Get your own sense of self back. Get back into what made you happy before, hobbies, work, new TV series, taking care of your niece...

  • Get to know the new and (hopefully) improved YOU. Find out what good things you took from the relationship and feel free to nurture them as your own, not just activities you might've once done with your SO.

Get Over a Breakup

Get Over a Breakup
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