I'll miss the old times


I'll miss the old times

I just got out of a long relationship with someone I still love very badly, yet at the same time I hate her too. It's so weird how a big event can completely change a person you love, even weirder how everything can go from a dream to a nightmare, from heaven to hell. That's what happened my last relationship. In the beginning she was the love of my life and the best thing to ever happen to me, I would say my true love. I knew in the first week I wanted to spend my life with her, even months in the relationship everything was still going up hill. But then, last July she had to move away. That's when everything changed.

The long distance was hard. But honestly not that bad. What was bad was her, she went from being completely honest with me and being completely devoted to me, to laying about everything, literally everything, breaking promises she made me, even constantly flirting with guys and checking them out. That's just the small stuff, she also asked a guy for a dick pick and told me in detail what she wanted to do to someone she wanted to hook up with. And I stayed with her until last week. Even with all that bullshit because I thought she'd go back to how she was, that this version of her was only because of the miles apart, but then last week she did something that made me know this was now who she was, the distance had nothing to do with it. Maybe being away from her family and friends made her like that, maybe she was always like that and just hidden it away when we were in person. I don't know. But if anyone is going through something like that, leave. Trust me. It only gets worse and worse. It's better to leave and have your heart hurt for awhile then to stay and have your heart ripped out. And anyone who is suffering from the fallout if a relationship like this, give your ex two names, one for the good times and one for the bad. That way you can take out all your anger on the bad and miss the good. I know that helps me forget all the bad that she did without completely forgetting the times.

I'll miss the old times
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