You Don't Believe in Divorce?


You Don't Believe in Divorce?

I have heard so many people claim that they simply don't believe in divorce. But what does that mean? How can that be?

1. Are you willing to stay in a bad marriage?

Would a person really be willing to throw the rest of their life away, just because they made a bad decision in getting married to the wrong person? It simply doesn't make sense to stay in something that doesn't bring joy, simply because of a moral philosophy to not get divorced.

You Don't Believe in Divorce?

2. What about the kids?

Do children have to suffer for mistakes made by 2 consenting adults who decided to join in union? My answer would be "no". I have seen parents fight like crazy, in toxic and abusive relationships. In a case like that, the well being of the child needs to outdo the mentality that divorce is not an option.

You Don't Believe in Divorce?

3. Sometimes people make mistakes, accept it

Accepting that a marriage has gone in a sour direction, and that it can no longer function would be the mature thing to do. People have a hard time accepting failure. Living in denial is the best way to cheat yourself.

You Don't Believe in Divorce?
3 Opinion