Why would a guy do this? Things were perfect, then he ended things out of nowhere... I can't figure it out?

Long story short: We met, we were absolutely perfect for each other! We had never been so happy before we met. I let him have the reigns. He told me he loved me first, he initiated the "move in together" discussion, he told me he was in love with me (I felt the same). It was the best relationship ever. On a Thursday he texted he's "in a much better place now that he's with me than he ever would have been without me" then suddenly ended things on Friday. I was/have been beyond devastated since. He said that he doesn't think we want the same things in the future and explained the few things he was talking about... here's the kicker: we had always felt the same and wanted the same things, but overnight he seemed to make a 180 and nothing he said really made sense. I held my head high, didn't beg him to stay, and wanted things to end nicely if indeed, they were ending. That was it. I'm shattered. Since then, I have seen him 1 time in public but he pretended to not know who I was. It has been over a month since the breakup. WHY? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? HOW? What would make a guy flip the script overnight when we were so genuinely happy (And we really were, I swear I'm not in denial)?
Why would a guy do this? Things were perfect, then he ended things out of nowhere... I can't figure it out?
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