So I just seen my ex on tinder? What to do? Really tempted to swipe right?

Me and my ex were together for a month. We got together at the start of December. We met each other's families. He said he loved me etc. Talked about the future, marriage and all that. We got on so so well!! He said he was so happy!! Then a week after new year he said we moved too fast and it put him off and he's moving back to Liverpool where he lived for 7 years. I was gutted. Asked him for another chance at moving things slow. He said he wants to be alone for a while and it's best to cut all ties for now. I collected my things from his house (his mum gave me them because he had a tummy bug apparently) and sent him a message wishing him all the best and I'll maybe catch up with him sometime. No reply. Haven't heard from him in a week. Then I looked on tinder today (for an ego boost mostly) and there he is. I'm so tempted to swipe right outta curiousity lol! My sister said he could be on it for a ego boost too but I don't know. Bit gutted! When we started dating he said he deleted the app and I told him I had deleted my account completely. So maybe that's why he's showing?
please help? I'm trying to move on but seeing that hurt!
So I just seen my ex on tinder? What to do? Really tempted to swipe right?
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