Why Self-Proclaimed "Nice Guys/Girls" Are Still Single


So you’re a nice person and you're still single. What gives? You’d do anything to make someone happy, unlike all the asshole/bitchy guys and girls who seem to so easily get dates. Why are you having no luck?

Being Nice Isn’t Good Enough

While being nice is certainly a positive trait, it doesn’t automatically guarantee you to a perfect love life, nor should it; it’s important to offer more things to the table.

Are you boring? Too agreeable? Do you not have a lot of interesting things to say? Are you socially awkward? Very reserved? Are you a pushover?

Look deep inside yourself (figuratively), and try to figure out what’s holding you back so that you can tackle it head on. This is going to take a lot of self-awareness.

Are you unemployed or don’t have a lot going on in your life? Do you spend all day on the computer?

How is your sense of style? Are you in shape?

Are your standards too high? If they are, it's important to adjust your expectations to more a realistic level in order to have dating success.

Why Self-Proclaimed

Strive to be the best version of you that you can be, and dating will be easier.

Why Self-Proclaimed "Nice Guys/Girls" Are Still Single
51 Opinion