Cougars vs Younger Girls


Cuz wouldn't it be just be making it too easy to date someone your own age...

Cougars VS. Younger Girls



It's harder I'd say actually. She might not know your age if you're a mature guy but you will and it will psyche you out. You'll sense the world is judging you. You'll be juding yourself. Just how much younger is this girl than your mother? Her face just looks a little less...lifey than your ex girlfriend and yet when you walk over to her you feel like she's a real woman and everyone before her were simply little girls...

Younger Girls

Yeah, if they are 18 and look 16 you'll get some awful looks. Everyone will know what you're upto. You know younger girls look up to you because having an older guy into them seems soooo cool. You don't have to work hard and yet she's sexier. And yet she's annoying? This really depends on the guy, but in terms of approaching a younger girl poses no threat to the old self esteem. You feel validated. Man, if only you acted this confident when you were her age then...oh wait, that's right you can only get away with it because of all the attention you get from her type...



I don't've got some years on me, you actually have a really nice body. Wow you know what you're doing. Wow I don't have to talk you into anything. Wow the fact that I'm younger turns you on in a weird way and I'm into it. You don't expect me to call. I might anyway.

Younger Girls

More foreplay? Really? You don't give head? Why? These are the main questions you'll run into when you date a few years down but don't worry at least everythings clean down there...psycholocially you get that bonus of knowing that there literally wasn't time for so many guys to get in that. You're a pioneer. You feel special. Now you have to cuddle and the lingerie she bought just for you is a little starchy and it's summer and you don't really want to fall asleep cuddling because its so effing hot but do and you're begging for that little stream of breeze to come from the window but she blocks it while she sleeps because she insists that you be on the side closest to the door and you're hoping exhaustion from the heat will cause you to faint so you can make it all stop...when you wake up, she's made you breakfast and you feel really bad for being such an souless ass on the inside and eat your eggos whilst plotting an escape route.



Wow, your mom does not like this woman. Not one bit. For the boys who enjoyed disobeying their moms growing up, this makes the sex hotter. But what is your mom doing on your mind during sex? Oh god make it stop. But there's this comfort you feel with this slightly older woman that you can't quite put your finger on and don't really want to. There's something that feels like home...and this translates into the relationship. When you talk she not only listens, but has something worthwile to say back to you. She makes you think. She opens your mind. She's experienced things. You come away from time with her feeling enriched. You feel smarter around her. She can say I love you with a look. There's this sense of warmth and trust.

Younger Girls

Cougars vs Younger Girls

Wow, your dad really likes this girl. How many more pats on the back will he give you before you have no shoulder left? You get a lot of looks when you go out. A lot of at' a boys. One thing this girl is cute and sexy. She has fun. She looks up to you. She wants you to show her the world. She wants to be your princess. She's still at that stage in life where her life is actually all about you. Literally no guy could take her from you. Channing Tatum could propose and she'd be like I'm Already Taken by an amazing guy. What did you to this girl? Why is she so devoted? Yet once you drop your guard and allow yourself to be happy with her you find the cuteness never ends and nor does the love. That is until you neglect her because you have nothing in common but sex and some other guy promises more of a connection but oh wait hopefully that won't happen...



Oddly clean. Oddly matter of fact if it's her who wants it. If you want it, she may do all manner of things to prevent it from happening. I mean this is a woman who's seriously dating a younger man when she has men her own age who can provide better presumably, so she's a little unstable from the outset. Yet, if you're persistent, the cougar goes off to find new cubs but you sense you'll always have a spot in heart that she won't forget.

Younger Girls

Oh, god. Just pray it's what she wants and not what you want. If you push a breakup when she's in aformentioned lovestoned state you need to cut off all forms of communcation and probably move. Her mind will constantly tell her : just fix this just get him back just fix this just get him to care and then you can be ok. The texts will be constant as well as the calls. The best way you know to finally make it all stop is to get your female friend to kiss your cheek at a party and have someone post it and tag you and she sees it and she's not sure what it means but it hurts enough to make her not want to ever see it again and she blocks you everywhere and she forbids her friends from talking about you and then you can finally get some piece and quiet...

So for me, I think Cougars oddly take it for me. There is no good nor bad only where a man in his personal lifequest. Sometimes a man wants his sexy bunny rabbit. Sometimes he wants a woman who's achieved her feminity maybe even more than he's achieved his masculinity. Hell, he may even on occasion might want to actually be normal and date girls his own age. To each great man his own great choice, but hopefully this has given us something to think about, which is not that age is NOT just a, not all.

Cougars vs Younger Girls
81 Opinion