Why you should date your best friend

Why you should date your best friend

When it comes to whom to date I have a simple rule: only date your best friends. Granted, I am demisexual and therefore I'm just not attracted to anyone else, but logically this works out as well and here is why. Think of your ideal relationship. What do you really look for in a girl/guy and compare that to your favorite characteristics of your best friend, I'll bet those two list are pretty identical. Here is what probably overlaps:

1) You can find the fun in anything

Have you ever noticed that everything is more fun when you are with your friends? I bet you look for someone who makes you laugh, and I bet your best friend can do that without thinking about it.

2) They go out of their way to help you because they want to

I bet your BFF know how to brighten even the worst of days. I bet they do it without wanting anything in return except for you to be there for them when they have bad ones as well.

3) You feel empty without them

When you picture your life in 5, 10 years where you are in relation to your friends and how does that make you feel. Wouldn't it be better if they were lying in the bed next to you?

Why you should date your best friend

And in the dating process you get to cut out the worst parts. It is like skipping to the point where you've been dating for months from the start. How sweet is that?

1) No awkward small talk

You already know the answers to them anyway. Might as well skip to the good stuff

2) Don't have to introduce them to your friends/family

Instant approval; they have probably been shipping you two for years anyway.

3) You get to be yourself from the beginning

Have you ever wondered how long you had to fake being semi-normal before he’s too interested to leave once they realize how weird you actually are? Don't have to worry, part of that weird is your best friend.

Be warned however, there are things to consider.

1) Are you dating for the right reasons?

Never date someone out of convenience, it will just be awkward later down the road. As always be genuine.

2) It may change your social groups

I always ask my friends first. I don't want to risk losing their friendship by making things weird. Likewise, try to not overly change your group dynamic. It can't always be as easy as it was in "Friends"

3) You could potentially lose your relationship

Depending on how terribly you screw up you risk losing them not only as a partner but as a friend and possibly your inner circle of friends with them. At the same time, if you are careful you can fall back on being 'just friends' it may me weird for a while, but true friends get over it.

Overall, I believe the benefits out way the risk. Done correctly and it could be the best relationship you have ever had. Screw up and it could be the worst break up you could imagine. What do you think?

Why you should date your best friend
23 Opinion