The World Owes You NOTHING


I'm so sick and tired of people--men and women with these huge senses of entitlement. It's almost always young people (people born after 1986 to be specific.) Your parents raised you to think you would just be given things. The world raised you to think you are special and the center of the world. You aren't and guess what--everyone thinks they're the center of the world.

The World Owes You NOTHING

I see girls have guys take them out to really nice dinners when they barely make any money and then complain and act like a brat and you look at them and they honestly don't realize how unappreciative they are being. It's like it doesn't register. So many guys do it that it's lost all value despite the fact that it indeed is a sacrifice and a very nice thing to do for someone and should be treated as such.

The World Owes You NOTHING

Or guys who are often one of very few guys believe it or not that the girl has chosen to sleep with outside of a relationship and then you disappear as if that wasn't a sacrifice for her OR just a girl supporting you in your pursuits and you being a jackass to her. Do you think you just are entitled that kind of treatment? You are lucky and fortunate that you are the one she chooses to spend her time and energy on. With all the girls who are selfishly trying to get ahead this one puts you at the forefront and you don't even know how to care.

The World Owes You NOTHING

And that's the worst thing. Even if you're aware that you're ungrateful you can't do anything about it because you've never had to experience not getting your way. A part of you still thinks just becuase you're a "special snowflake" you're entitled to love and support and the job that you want and the fun that you want and the happiness that you want. You don't just get any of those things you have to earn them. sometimes you're lucky enough to be given them for free but no one owes you that.

The World Owes You NOTHING

And if you give someone something for free like your time, your money, your love, your commitment and they do nothing with it and don't appreciate it then move on becaue they don't owe you anything either. it's nice to be appreciated but i've had to accept that the majority of young people don't appreciate anything at all. It's all about them it's all their's it's all about their feelings. Narcissism is simply a term of absolute redunancy when applied to young people. It's like no one would expect a baby to consider your feelings and how hungry you are when it's asking for the last bit of milk from the fridge but he/she is a BABY. What's your excuse? Just because a guy or a girl has something you don't have doesn't mean you deserve it more than he or she does or that you deserve it at all. Don't cry about it just go out there and get it for yourself and for the things you can't (these are actually VERY FEW compared to how little people think they can get) you have to accept that you don't get that.

The World Owes You NOTHING

They key here is never feel like a victim. Never get mad because of a girl's bad attitude. She doesn't owe you a good attitude and if you don't like it move on!

The World Owes You NOTHING

Girls... no one has to freaking love you. No one OWES you love no matter what you give them in exchange stop getting mad when guys don't want to. If love was easy everyone would have it.

The World Owes You NOTHING

And i don't mean to assume anything about what anyone wants i just go by what i see most often on here and among people irl. Sorry this take was less classy than most. I'm just disgusted.

The World Owes You NOTHING
30 Opinion