5 Reasons You Shouldn't Date Someone from Your Class

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Date Someone from Your Class

I know this is isn't something any one might take seriously, after all chances are some of you reading this probably have a crush on someone in your class, and if you had a chance to date them why the hell wouldn't you. However if you think about it, dating someone in real life that sits next to you every day isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Though there are a few perks to making out with your classmate--you get someone as a study buddy, passing notes in class when it gets boring-- it often tends to get pretty messy. Perhaps you should heed these words of warning before you decide to exchange bodily with fluids with that hot guy in Biology class.
After all you can't just drop out of class if things get awry.

Seeing them everyday in class

Think about this, if your in school you'll basically be next to them most of the time, even if you don't want to. I'm sure spending time with them is probably the best thing in your life right now but literally spending a quarter of your day together in school isn't exactly exactly what constitutes as having a good time. After all you don’t want to hang out with your significant other all the time.

Worrying about your appearance

Most people don't really bother about their looks or appearance when in school, after all school isn't a venue you take your date to but with your significant other there you can't help but feel like you have to put some conscientious effort into your appearance.

Dealing with academics and feelings

So a teacher asks you a question and you fail to answer it because you forgot to read that chapter the previous the night, now normally depending on your personality you'd either just brush it off or probably be slightly embarassed, but when your crush is watching with the rest of the class you just end up feeling silly.

Teasing and Gossiping

Not only will your classmates tease you mercilessly, it's especially mortifying if they decide to do so in front of a teacher but you'll probably be the hot topic of the day for weeks to come, not to mention the inappropriate jokes and questions and general tom foolery. And god forbid if your teachers find out about it, you'll probably have to avoid eye contact with them for the rest of the year.

Awkwardness and Break ups

Most young couples can barely be together without groping each other to death, so when your in class or the cafeteria you might not know how to act around each other. Not to mention being that close in a public setting for hours long at a time can make for an extremely awkward situation.
What's even worse is if things don't work out - you can't avoid each other. You'll still have to attend classes everyday and I don't think I need to tell you how exes usually tend to act around each other making things even more awkward than usual.

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Date Someone from Your Class
48 Opinion