Love: Perfection in Imperfection


Love: Perfection in Imperfection

As someone who is engaged, I would say that I have won the dating game. As a man who has found his woman, I have come to realize one thing about the person I love: she is imperfect. She makes mistakes. She is just an imperfect person. Then again, so am I.

That is what makes love so amazing. We both realize our own inadequacies, and we accept the other's because of our own. You see, love isn't a fairytale. It isn't this perfect story you will find on the Hallmark Channel.

Love is simply whatever works.

So when you are looking for someone to love, or are enjoying the person you love, remember this: we are all imperfect souls seeking moments of perfection. Accept that we all make mistakes, and don't expect absolute perfection. No matter who you are with, there are problems you will just have to settle with. Just like how the person you are with will have to settle with you.

Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together.

Love: Perfection in Imperfection
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