The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!


The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!

I have seen questions on GAG asking about if white guys like a particular race, I have seen a variation of the question: "Do white guys like me?" "Do Asian girls like me?" "Do white girls like me?" "Do black guys like me?" "How come black guys don't like black girls?"

The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!
And it has led some users to believe that non-white people and worship the ground white people walk on, or it has led some users to believe that white people worship the ground that non white people walk on. Obviously this is not true because of a few possible trolls who may ask those questions.

But this post is not for the trolls, this post is for users who genuinely ask these questions about other races.

The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!

Well I hope the following points can answer your questions, if not, at least help. These points are in no way accusatory and it depends on the individual person's situation.

1. Interracial dating peer pressure: You shouldn't feel you have to date someone out of your race just because someone tries to guilt you into doing it. Interracial dating is fine, but don't date someone just because you have a fear of being accused of being closed minded or being called racist. Date someone because you like them, not because of fear. That goes for dating your own race too.

2. Rejection Acceptance: I know this sounds cliche but not everyone you like is going to be attracted to you, that's just the way it is. You can't make someone who does not like you, like you. It goes both ways, you wouldn't like it if a guy or girl you did not like was pressuring you and acting desperate.

3. Avoid negativity: If you think a guy or a girl is causing you drama or is racist or negative in anyway, cut them off immediately. There is no point in keeping someone like that in your life.

The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!

4. Self Love: Or self acceptance is important because even if the guy or girl likes you, you should be able to love yourself enough to know to walk away from something that is hurting you. It also means realizing that just because someone you like does not find you attractive, it does not mean there is something wrong with you. Self love also means if you get dumped then you love yourself enough to heal and not base your happiness on a boyfriend or girlfriend so you are able to love yourself enough to heal.

The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!

The Ultimate Race questions in dating and attraction answered!
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