The World Is Messing You Up


No, this isn't a take on how life isn't fair and how you don't really have a chance. This is quick take on the many thing I see the many, many things that are throwing you off your course...

THE WORLD is constantly comparing you to everyone else

The World Is Messing You Up

Guys can't stop comparing themselves to others and finding greatness only in being superior to another man rather than simply living up to his own set of expectations of what makes a real man. Girls too contribute to this as, in their search for the perfect man, they consciously and unconciously set a hierachy sytem. Your face, your height, your dick size, your wallet, even your personality is constantly being ranked by random girls as superior or inferior to other guys. You must resist feeling better or worse than any other man. Realize that any comparison, even positive, will inevitably end in you feeling worse.

THE WORLD tells you how it wants to be impressed

The World Is Messing You Up

Most people have an understanding of what they think the world is expecting from them. It's why you see so many stereotypes playing themselves out...the world tells you you are x, you internalize that message, and in some way live it out. It can be as general as internalizing the message that you are ugly and acting like it to internalizing that sex makes you cool and trying to become cooler through frequency. Yet, the people who have the most success know the key is so incredibly easy it's hilarious. Amuse yourself, impress yourself, and you'll never be alone. That sense of self joy is so glowing it can come off as cocky in a good way--why is this guy so happy and self amused? Let me get in on that fun! Of course, every single day you are told to impress the world so it's extremely difficult to realize once and for all that if you can impress yourself the war is already won.

THE WORLD tells you that you can have it all

The World Is Messing You Up

Everything is a sacrifice, yet you will always spread yourself too thin. You live your life constantly putting out fires in your live your life constantly wanting only what you don't already have. The world never tells you to be happy af that you have what you tells you to want more. Your car, your girlfriend, your work...relatively meaningless and all your focus goes on that guy at the gym who's always hassling you to let you use the benchpress. If you're's not enough you have to also be a charismatic life of the party...good at sports...not good enough you're not emotional enough. What if being really smart and constantly doing things that your smart brain enjoys is not a bad thing? What if you're really good at sports and 90% of your life is spent killing it on the field? Why is that a bad thing? Because the world teaches you that to be happy with yourself is selling yourself short. That you should have and be everything. That 99% is not enough. You need 100% or 0%.

The World Is Messing You Up
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