The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!

The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!

Hello everyone! Today I’m here to write a new MyTake, my second one, talking about something that we all fear: rejection. Everything that happens in our lives can be faced as bad or good, normally rejection is faced as bad but it doesn’t need to be like that.

I decided to write it because recently… very recently I got gently rejected (you know, the friendzone thing). Of course I felt disappointed, it’s normal, I don’t feel sad though because if we look deeply into rejection we’ll see good things that come with it. So, see the pros of rejection below and face your future rejections differently.

1. You Did What Needed to Be Done

Congratulations! You didn’t cower from telling the person that rejected you what you wanted to say. You didn’t send someone to do it. You did it yourself. You won’t feel the regret of not having done anything. You tried, you took your chances. When you do such a thing you must be aware that rejection is a possibility, even if you’re optimistic about the future. Perhaps your expectations weren’t corresponded, but that’s okay.

Be proud of yourself, many people don’t have the guts to do what you did. This is the first good thing, you had attitude!

The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!

2. You No Longer Wonder

Before asking that person out there’s always uncertainty about the answer you’ll get. Now you no longer wonder what will happen, you have your answer: the answer is “No!”. Even if you don’t see it at first, having a definitive answer gives you relief, it’s better to know what the other person really wants.

The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!

3. You Know What to do Next

Since you no longer wonder, all doubts are gone. Now you know what to do next. Move on! What is gone is gone. You did what needed to be done. Now you go on with your life. Even though you should learn from your past experience, you shouldn’t keep living in the past and mourning what happened. You know that the answer from the one you liked is “No”, there’s no need to keep insisting. Move on, it’s better for everyone. Rejection gives you this “north”, this way to go. Get on with your life, that’s what you should do next.

4. You’re Back in the Game!

The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!

Okay, you got rejected by one person! There are plenty of other people in the world. The dating game is exciting. You never know who you can meet, who’s the next one that you’ll be attracted to… well, you’re still playing this game. Once you move on, enjoy it! Just don’t give up because of your last experience.

5. It’s Better This Way

It’s good to want to be with someone. If this person doesn’t want to be with you though, why the hell do you think that being rejected isn’t positive? Both people should be willing to be together; if one of them is not, then rejection will protect you from suffering more in the future. So, if you got rejected you should know that it was the best thing that could happen, otherwise the answer would’ve been “Yes”, not “No”. So, be happy that the person who rejected you didn’t lead you on.


That’s it folks. I hope that this will help you to face your future rejections differently, in a more positive way and I wish you luck in your future attempts to be with someone (and I wish myself luck too xD)

The 5 Pros of Rejection, and Tomorrow's a New Day!
19 Opinion