Why It's Okay to be Shallow in the Dating World


I think it's ridiculous when people get offended and hostile about not fitting someone's preferences so this is why I wrote this.

1. A relationship can't last without mutual attraction. it's going to be a waste of time because there will be no chemistry and true love in it.

Why It's Okay to be Shallow in the Dating World

2. We are picking partners for the genetic fitness of our future children. We unconsciously pick traits in a partner in order to improve (or keep), not downgrade, our genes when we pass it on to the next generation.

3. We are entitled to like whatever we like. We can't force ourselves to change our minds. It doesn't work that way.

Why It's Okay to be Shallow in the Dating World

4. Would you honestly want to date someone who you don't find attractive? If not, then stop being a hypocrite and calling people shallow for not finding you attractive enough to date

5. If someone doesn't find you attractive, why would you want to date that person? That person won't appreciate you. Why get upset if someone else can appreciate you more?

Why It's Okay to be Shallow in the Dating World
22 Opinion