There's No Such Thing As Dating Out Of Your League

There's No Such Thing As Dating Out Of Your League

I'm sure we've all heard about someone talking about someone else or perhaps you've said it yourself, that this or that person is, "out of my league," or you've been told, you have no chance with him or her because they are so far out of your league. Most people are apt to say someone is outside of someone's league if the other person has more money, are more famous, are royalty and the other person isn't, have vastly different looks, or are more popular. I don't believe in that concept at all.

Firstly, I think it's fair to say that people experience some form of rejection from all types of people whether they are considered to be inside or out of your league or even below it, so what's the difference? Aren't all the people who reject us, so called "out of our league." Out of your league means you conceivably have no chance with them, so if you ask someone out or are trying to date them and they say no, you're still in the same boat. Why you think you have more or less of a chance with someone, a someone I might add who generally tends to be a perfect stranger, is based on what?

Add to that, there are just some people on earth, league or no league, who are thoughtless, heartless, mean spirited, and have ugly hearts...why would you, who aren't that, and hopefully don't want that in your life, waste time chasing after someone like that? If someone thinks their money makes them everything, or their popularity, or that their sh*t doesn't stink, they aren't all that great to begin with. Just because someone is considered attractive, popular, or has more money DOES NOT mean that they are a good person or a better person than you are.

There's No Such Thing As Dating Out Of Your League

Secondly, if we take a look at the so called more attractive person as an example, you look at the roster of the people he or she dates, and you notice that they all tend to look the same or be the same sort and since you don't, you figure, that person is out of my league, however, this is just that persons personal preference, which we all have. So in essence we're saying that we believe this person is punishing or excluding people from their dating pool more so than every other person on the planet, and yet, we all have such preferences no matter what we look like, or how much money we do or don't have, etc.

Thirdly, a lot of what we believe, again, about these perfect strangers, is hype. It's easy to say the jock, or the model, or actor, or the good looking guy has slept with all these people because either that's what they want you to believe or the people behind them create about them, or both, but often times it doesn't exactly ring true at all. If you just take yourself out of the running automatically like so many people do, you'll never truly know if they just have a preference for a certain type of person, again, like we all do, or if they really do want to date people who actually forget the hype and the press and everything else, and just want to get to know them. Many, in fact, crave someone like that who wants them, and not the machine behind them telling everyone that's how they are or the common perception about them that certain people think and act a certain way.

There's No Such Thing As Dating Out Of Your League

Lastly, I think you're doing a disservice to yourself by automatically disqualifying yourself. You're literally saying to yourself and the world that something is somehow wrong with you and/or that you aren't good enough for someone else. League or no league, that's a self-confidence issue. I don't think you should let the mere idea of someone intimidate you and make you feel less than.

Think about that...just the idea of someone whom you think is attractive, or smart, or funny, or all of the above, makes you feel small and unimportant. If you really like someone, anyone, know your worth and that you are worth it, and go after them because you believe you are good enough. Don't fall into the trap of believing that you can't because others say you can't or shouldn't or aren't worthy enough.

There's No Such Thing As Dating Out Of Your League
62 Opinion