4 Tips Sure To Get a Woman A Good Man


4 Tips Sure To Get a Woman A Good Man

#1--Consider Nice Guys

Not the stereotypical nice guys who are basically cowardly women stuck in male bodies. I'm talking anybody except for Ike Turner, and guys who treat women like crap and hit them for no reason. [Only good reason to hit a woman is in life or death situations, of course.] Law abiding men and not drug lords that women usually fall for. Seriously, girls?! I'll shag anything and even I know they're the scum of the earth.

#2--Be ambitious

A woman who earns more than the man she's with is definitely NOT a parasite. Female breadwinners are never gold diggers, and any guy with any soul and half a brain would rather pay a prostitute than be with one[It's cheaper, and without heartbreak]. Plus potential financial crisis is the main reason men are avoiding marriage. You earn a lot, problem solved.

4 Tips Sure To Get a Woman A Good Man

#3--Approach Men

Female logic is basically: When you see the perfect man, do nothing and expect the to approach. WE AREN'T psychic, so you can at the very least drop some fairly obvious hints that you want us. And aren't you tired of getting approached by guys you don't want? Well as long as you're too lazy to approach instead, get used to it, love.

#4--Be regularly sexual

We'll understand and respect if you're on the rag or sad etc. But in situations where you have no real excuses, please at least snuggle with us and let us massage you, it will surely make us feel better after a stressful day.

4 Tips Sure To Get a Woman A Good Man
13 Opinion