On What You Have To Lose NOT Approaching Her

On What You Have To Lose NOT Approaching Her

-Your Ego

Your ego is one of those friends who pretends to be cool with you and looking out for you but is secretly very jealous of you and is always throwing little seeds of doubt in your head disguised as carrying advice. The messed up thing is that even when you realize what he's doing, you realize on some level you love and are attached to him. When some girl is giving you crap and saying to "leave her alone." You feel protective of your ego. either your ego feels like a creep or like she's evil and hurtful. So you respond in anger and curse her out or you go home and cry (lol at the crying.) Yet, say to yourself, I am okay with my ego being hurt and destroyed. I don't need him. Because after all he is the only holding you back. I welcome criticism and disrespect openly. I want to be humbled because i know that in the place of a dead ego, self esteem will always arise.

On What You Have To Lose NOT Approaching Her

-Your Alter Ego

I feel like this is no longer as popular a concept as it was before the self esteem generation took over the culture. When i was very young i'd always hear how everyone has an alter ego who was their dynamic opposite and would sometimes come out in rare instances. People would change their names, styles, etc. to "unlock" this alter ego. To me, this idea is destructive. Ironically, seperating yourself into two selves further limits you. You don't have another self, it's all you and thinking there's another person to unlock limits you from bringing all of your qualities to the surface. The thing about approaching girls you like is that it's not something the old you would have ever done so you find it really strange behavior. Yet, once this feeling that "that's not me" goes away you become a lot more comfortable. By not approaching her you're just keeping yourself as the same person you've always been like you're a character in a novel rather than a real human capable of change.

On What You Have To Lose NOT Approaching Her

-Your Fantasy That Girls Can "Fix" You

This is the most bittersweet. A lot of guys, especially on this site, seem under the impression that it would change their lives if they could just become successful with women. It would change it but not necessarily make it better. They would stop feeling so massively insecure about it, but those insecurities would be replaced with managing other people's feelings, having to make difficult choices, and having to be responsible now that women are starting to get easily attached to you. There's also having to manage your love life with your career aspirations. There's your trust issues that still linger even though you attract others more easily. There's a higher chance of getting STDS when you're a more sexual active human being. And there's the simple fact that once the novelty wears off it's simply another thing in your life. Attractive people (meaning people who have an easy time attracting people into their lives) aren't necessarily any happier than rich people or healthy people or talented people. All those songs by those talented poets and musicians who couldn't get laid until they became famous suddenly seem kind of stupid and pointless and you're left with yourself. In a way, not approaching that girl allows you to live in a fantasy and never have to face that man in the mirror.

On What You Have To Lose NOT Approaching Her
13 Opinion