10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man


Being single doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Check out some reasons why you don't need a man!

Miss Independent

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: someecards.com

You get to do whatever you want whenever you want and you don't have to answer to anybody.

Me Time

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: booksdirect.tumblr.com

When you spend less time on a significant other, and more time on you; there's opportunity for hobbies, hanging out with friends, and overall personal development. Self reflection and working on you is always a blessing.

No Sharing

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: lynneknowlton.com

When you're single, you don't have to share with anybody.

No Shaving

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: buzzfeed.com

You don't need to groom downstairs or shave your legs because nobody is going to be feeling on you anyways.

No Impressing Parents or Friends

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: adorepics.com

When you don't have a boyfriend, you don't need to win over his parents or friends.

No Drama

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: everydayhealth.com

Most men have excess baggage and issues you don’t really need in your life. No need for the endless text arguments, insecurities, or Facebook stalking when you don't have a man!

Granny Panties

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: someecards.com

Cute underwear isn't as comfortable as it looks. You get to wear your granny panties all day and all night long when you don't need your bottom to look cute!

Chick Flicks

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: someecards.com

You get to watch all the chick flicks, romantic comedies, and marathons you want without judgement.

More Money

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: pinterest.com

Birthdays, dates, phone bills, etc., a boyfriend uses up a lot of money. The money you don't spend on a man you can either save or spend on something for yourself.

The Best Is Yet To Come

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man

Photo Source: someecards.com

Now I'm not saying to wait for prince charming, bit if you haven't met Mr. Right, there's hope, the best is yet to come! Just don't sit around waiting for him; live your life and he'll find you!

10 Reasons You Don't Need A Man
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