10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!


10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: tumblr.com

When you hear your significant other say, "We need to talk," don't panic just yet! There is no reason to jump on the defense. The relationship might not be in danger; he or she might really want to discuss something that isn't so SCARY! Browse through the list below and note whether you've had this topic of conversation with your partner.

1. He or she needs some advice or needs to vent on/about [insert topic].

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: scrubsmag.com

2. She wants you to stop leaving the toilet seat up! OR He or she wants you to do MORE around the house.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: someecards.com

3. She's late and she might be pregnant!

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: community.babycenter.com

4. He or she got laid off or needs to borrow some money.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: someecards.com

5. He or she might wants to take the relationship to the next level.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: someecards.com

6. He or she wants to make a BIG purchase and is seeking your approval.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: someecards.com

7. He or she might have a serious illness.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: mashable.com

8. He or she did something wrong and wants to come clean about it.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: dumpaday.com

9. He or she wants to make a change about himself or herself.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: memecenter.com

10. He or she wants to let you know that your they want you to fix what you did.

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!

Photo Source: blogsalute.com

What was the result of some of your,"We need to talk" conversations? Were you on the delivery or recipient end?

10 "We Need To Talk" Topics That Aren't A Breakup!
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