8 Signs He's Into You


Ladies, do you ever ask yourself “Is he into me?”. Well, if he's willing to watch a chick flick with you on Friday night instead of going out with his friends, he may be into you. If he randomly calls you on Tuesday nights just to see how you're doing, he may be into you.

Does he like me?

Here are some signs he's into you:

He calls without you having to ask just to check up on you

8 Signs He's Into You

He randomly gives you gifts

8 Signs He's Into You

He'll watch The Notebook (or any chick flicks) with you

8 Signs He's Into You

He tells you things he doesn't tell anyone else

8 Signs He's Into You

He talks to his friend about you

8 Signs He's Into You

He listens to EVEYTHING you say

8 Signs He's Into You

He doesn't talk about other girls around you

8 Signs He's Into You

He compliments your appearance

8 Signs He's Into You

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8 Signs He's Into You

8 Signs He's Into You
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