My Mom and Boyfriend Don't Get Along?

Lets start with a little background information. My Boyfriend and I have been dating for over 9 month now. We are both going into our senior year and have made plans to live with each other after high school, and long after that and my parents are devoice.

My mom doesn't like my boyfriend and he doesn't like her. My mom doesn't like him because we spend a lot of time at his house and out of the 9 months he has only come over twice (we have spent a lot of time as well at my dads giving him and my boyfriend a very good relationship) My mom finds the fact that he doesn't come over disrespectful and has required that I am not aloud to spend time at his house until we spend five different times at her house. My boyfriend doesn't really want to spend time at my mom's though. He doesn't like her and he feels uncomfortable around her because he knows she doesn't like him. (here is a little bit more background information on why he doesn't like her: for the last couple month my mom and I have not been getting along very well at all, we fought a lot, and a lot of things were said that hurt both of our feelings. I would talk to my boyfriend about it and because of this he does not like my mom).

Here's the thing my mom and him are both very stubborn and no matter what I say can change their minds about each other. I want them to get along at least a little.

My boyfriend will "stomach" these hang outs but any advice on how to make these hanging outs a little easer and possibly help make the relationship between the two even a little lot better is really needed.

Please and Thank You
My Mom and Boyfriend Don't Get Along?
4 Opinion