How many guys on here have been rejected for being inexperienced?

I'm 21 and I've never been on a date, kissed a girl, or had a girlfriend. I've never asked a girl out and now I feel like it's pointless to even try because most girls want a guy with experience and expect him to be experienced by this age since she will most likely be experienced. I just wanted to know if I was to try, how much rejection am I in for because of this? I honestly don't see any way out of this situation besides lying about my lack of experience, which is sad but at the same time I don't feel so bad because a lot of girls lie and say that lacking experience isn't a problem when it really is. And to any girls that answer this, Please don't lie and say it's not a problem or something like it's "cute" and "sweet" or the right girl won't care. I can see through those lies and I know that you say that not to make a guy feel bad. But you know what? It hurts more to be rejected by a girl you like for being inexperienced than simply being told online that it's a turn off.
How many guys on here have been rejected for being inexperienced?
16 Opinion