Tinder is a goldmine for girls, and a death sentence for ugly men. Liking it?

Girls today don't even have to leave their room to find a partner. They log onto Tinder and instantly have loads of matches to pick and choose from.
As for guys, if you're a hot stud (in the top 20%), you're bound to get matches. If you're in the top 5%, you're doing as well as girls do - every girl has swept right on you, initiates, and hopes to get it on.
As for the rest of the men, who are lucky to even get a match a week - say goodbye to online dating, as well as real life dating (since girls are glued to their phones and already have plenty to choose from thanks to Tinder).

F U Tinder.
Here are the general minimum standards for a hot guy:
- Caucasian; >6ft; chiseled jawline, light eyes, thick hair.

If you don't fit that, your personality won't get you any where because you've already been rejected! Left swiped!

So where to now? Brothel or Church?
Tinder is a goldmine for girls, and a death sentence for ugly men. Liking it?
5 Opinion