Would you rather date a person who's very talkative or super quiet?

I usually don't like too much extremes of anything whether it's being super talkative as in they never shut up or too quiet were they add little or literally nothing to the conversation, but after dealing with plenty of girls that make me feel like I'm interviewing them when I'm talking to them, I think I'd rather date a girl who is super talkative because they at least can initiate a conversation and you're less likely to worry about awkward silences in a conversation.
Dealing with super quiet women sucks because you can't tell if they're not interester or just shy. After a certain point, you feel like you're coming up with a script when talking to them and the conversation just feels forced. You might as well talk about the fucking sky being blue.

What are your thoughts?
Would you rather date a person who's very talkative or super quiet?
7 Opinion