Hooking up with a guy while 'talking' to someone else?

So I've been talking to this guy for about a month but we aren't exclusive yet considering we're taking it slow and still getting to know each other. This guy I used to have a friends with benefits relationship with is comin into town and wants to hook up and I want to. But is this wrong of me, even me and the guy I'm talking to aren't "dating" yet? It's kind of just a "one last time" thing though. I want to date the guy I'm talking to but I'm not sure if that will even happen. I just want to hook up with my ex since its been awhile and possibly the last time I'll ever be able to. And if I was already dating the guy I was talking to I def wouldn't even consider it but like I said.. We're not committed to each other yet
Hooking up with a guy while 'talking' to someone else?
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