Keeping a girl warm?

I know this guy who is a casual friend (for lack of a better word) and we have some mutual friends so we tend to hang out in a group of people.

Last night I met my friends at a bar but was late getting there and they were deciding if they wanted to stay or move on to the next bar, so half of them came out and about half of them stayed inside. We were standing there, trying to figure out what was going on. It was FREEZING, so I was standing with my arms crossed and my hood up, and he asked me if I was cold. I said yes and he said he would keep me warm and put his arms around me so I was facing my head against his chest. We stood like that until they decided to go back inside. It happened a few more times while we were outside and I'm wondering what it all meant. *We were both driving so neither of us had been drinking, so it wasn't the beer talking lol*

Guys- do you usually keep girls you're not interested in warm like that?

Keeping a girl warm?
3 Opinion