Saw "boyfriend" flirting with other girls via Snap?

So been seeing this guy for almost six months. Although we're not in a relationship, it feels like we are already in one. He claims how I've made him happier, how he doesn't want to lose me, how I'm different etc. We see each other once a week. He's the first open I've opened myself to as I haven't had a boyfriend. Well he gave me his phone and I saw how he commented on girls' picture, talking about how they looked sexy. He also plans to fly out a girl so they can hang out. And I found this after we made out. Like we almost had sex (I'm a virgin) and I felt so bad. Although I didn't confront him about it, I asked him if he had other girls in mind and he said no. He made a comment about how he has a lot friends that are girls. I don't know anymore. He told me if he plans to talk to someone else, he will let me know. Smh.
Saw "boyfriend" flirting with other girls via Snap?
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