Dating The Intern, advice?

Last week, my company welcomed our summer interns to the newspaper office, and I'm really attracted to one of them - not just physically, but her personality and sense of humor also. At the same time, she's also gone out of her way at times to smile, chat and joke with me, unprompted.

I'm 27 and she's about 21 1/2 (going into her senior year of college). I really want to go out with her, but I know that inter-office dating is a potentially tricky situation. Should I just ask her out now, or should I keep getting to know her, wait until the internship ends in about 6 weeks, and then ask her out?

(Note: My company doesn't have a policy prohibiting dating co-workers, but the potential for awkwardness exists if things don't work out - especially so, because I work in a fairly small building.)
Dating The Intern, advice?
4 Opinion