The Top 3 Excuses That Stop You From Learning a New Language


1. "It is too difficult to learn."

Top 3 Excuses Stop You Learning a New Language!

No language is difficult to learn. Just think about it, what if you had been born in another country? You would be able to speak its language fluently, right? Which means that we are capable of speaking any language. There is no language that you can't learn! Just because we pass the critical age, it may take longer to learn a language but that doesn't mean that it is too difficult to learn!

2. "It's too late anymore."

The Top 3 Excuses That Stop You From Learning a New Language

Another common excuse. This excuse is not used only when it comes to learning a new language but we also use it for anything. No, it is never too late for anything.

Just remember Tolstoy. He was 67 years old when he learnt to ride a bike. There is a term "Tolstoy's bicycle" which means that it is never too late for anything.

3. "I don't have time for it."

The Top 3 Excuses That Stop You From Learning a New Language

Most common excuse. We always have time for the things that we really want! Even 15 min. for a day is enough to learn a new language if you use the right method.

The Top 3 Excuses That Stop You From Learning a New Language
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