Random myTake!: How To Listen To Metal! (Or At Least Respect It)


There are so many people out there that are afraid of metal for so many reasons. In this take, I will show you why you shouldn't be afraid of it!:

1. What is metal?

From Wikipedia:

"bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness."

2. Myth- metal is satanic

This is the most said thing about metal! Metal is NOT satanic. Yeah there are SOME bands that were satanic, but that was back in the old days. There is no actual satanic band in this day and age. The closest thing is anti religious bands. All of the symbolism in metal bands are meant to scare you (and obviously it works) and it comes with the music. Think of it as a "gimick", for example, rap these days their "gimick" is money, drugs, etc lol.

3. What are their lyrics about?

It depends............. A BIG misconception people have is that metal is one genre. Metal has HUNDREDS of sub genres! One thing you should know is that metal may use dark lyrics, but you have to find a deeper meaning to it! (It's for metal heads to relate!). And there are some bands that are actually positive! Here are most heard lyrics from each subgenre of metal!:

Metalcore - one of the most popular sub genres, metalcore for the most part is mostly based on love/breakups etc.

Hardrock - varies within bands like rock

Death core - mostly angry lyrics

Metal is very misunderstood, I guess especially cuz of the way they scream/sing which is what leads me to.........

4. "Damn this guy is screaming! He is definitely satanic"

People automatically assume that the screaming makes them demonic or something. It's just another way of singing guys! Listen to what they are actually saying or look up the lyrics if tou can't understand them. This is one of the biggest reasons why people misunderstand metal. It may take a while to get used to it, but once you get into it, it is like nothing you have ever heard before!

I can't force you to like it or expect you to like it. I just want you to look at metal in a different way. I know there are some religious people that will confront me but guess what? I'm Catholic! (one of the most dedicated religions). I might make a second part of this but who knows lol

Do you see metal differently? Please take note this is NOT to get you to like metal but to get to know it better! And yeah it may have unappealing lyrics but doesn't that go for all genres? Loll

(Feel free to insult me! I'm ready! I don't give a shiz, so give me all u got! Lol)

Here is an example of a non satanic metalcore band with screaming and lyrics:

Random myTake!: How To Listen To Metal! (Or At Least Respect It)
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