10 Cop Comedies Your Girlfriend Will Have To Watch With You (And Maybe Enjoy)


While Trust may be the most important key to a good relationship, a shared Humor is a close second. That being said, this list started out as an Action Comedy list to counter this list 10 Rom Coms but as I was finishing it I realized it was more of a Buddy Cop list so I modified it accordingly.

Beverly Hills Cop

Hot Fuzz

48 Hours

Tango and Cash

Rush Hour


Bad Boys

Running Scared

Lethal Weapon

Red Heat

These are just a few of the Comedies that I have enjoyed watching with my Girlfriends over the years. And I would recommend watching them anytime. Still it's not considered torture if you love the girl...right?? Enjoy!

FYI: I didn't put 21 Jump Street on the list because I grew up watching the show. And that movie was a Huge let down to the original fans, even with the cameos.

10 Cop Comedies Your Girlfriend Will Have To Watch With You (And Maybe Enjoy)
9 Opinion