5 Most Horrible Children's TV Series


I have been thinking about those very weird children's cartoons and how they traumatized many children. I wanna list a few of them here and see how you react to them. Maybe you have seen some of these already, some maybe not.

If you remember a really awful cartoon/series from your childhood, feel free to share it here!

Here is a list of those I remember:


This was the worst when I was little, and now they actually have a group on Facebook called "Morso trauma". The Morso is the awful pink rat/man-looking animal.


This cartoon was designed to be a children's horror-series. But why make horror for kids?


I really loved Pingu, but this nightmare-walrus was a little shocking.


This is a scenes from the Moomins, which is a series I also loved. But apparently there were quite scary parts in it too.


Tom and Jerry was also one of the best series but this went a little overboard...

There is a long list of weird series, even weirdest than this one. For example Alice in wonderland was written by a pedophile, or at least so it seems. Read about it here

I always hated the old black-and-white movie version our teacher made us watch in school. It was creepy like a nightmare. The new versions isn't as bad.

There was also this The Animals of Farthing Wood - series which was apparently very raw and kinda scary. But I don't remember it well enough to say it was scary. It was realistic at least. And maybe that is why it was found scary...

5 Most Horrible Children's TV Series
8 Opinion