Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Life advice brought to you by Game of Thrones

Don't go to a wedding without wearing chainmail.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Actually don't go to a wedding. If your attacker plans on using poison, chainmail is useless.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Dont confront someone about them having an incestuous relationship with a sibling.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Don't be an asshole.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Keep your dogs well fed.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Know when to keep your mouth shut. A lot would agree Joffrey as King is a disaster. None of them said anything and they're still alive.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Don't insult a mans wife.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Keep church and the state separate.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Don't demand something you don't deserve.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Dont get too cocky. You'll just end up with a killer headache.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones

Always do what is right, even if it gets you killed. If you're a god among men, you'll come back.

Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones
Life Advice Brought to You By The Game of Thrones
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