Why My Parents Are My Best Friends


Why My Parents Are My Best Friends

Why My Parents Are My Best Friends

Not many are fortunate enough to get to call their parents their best friends, in their lifetime. When I was younger, I used to laugh whenever my Dad would tell me “Your Mother and I are your best friends because we truly love you as the person you are.” I thought it was silly to say that my parents were my true friends, how embarrassing would it be if I went and told people that? They would probably laugh at me behind their backs or just call me naïve, stupid or someone without any friends. As a result, being young and too proud, I decided to ignore their comment by telling myself that parents are parents, and they can never be your friends.

How wrong was I, and I really wish I had understood back then.

In life not everyone is lucky enough to have parents who care about their child’s life. Your parents start taking care of your life from the very first day they find out that you’ll be coming into this world. Their love is created for you because you are a part of them, a gift you can say, as a result of their shared love. Your parents start loving you, even before knowing anything about you. Is there anyone in this world who you think would love you so much, without even knowing who you are?

My parents love me regardless of all the mistakes I have made, regardless of all the pain I have caused them, growing up. I can talk about anything I want with them, without them making fun of me or talking about me behind my back. My parents always want the best for me. This is why, my Mom and Dad are my best friends. I love you guys, and I’m sorry, now I know I was wrong.

Why My Parents Are My Best Friends

Why My Parents Are My Best Friends
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