The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

BeeNee a

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

I decided to answer the first 25 Gag questions in the Family and Friends category. I did not open the questions up and read details because that would take forever. Here goes.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

1. Who's your best friend, talk about them?

Known my best friend for 2/3 of my life. She's like a sister. Most selfless person on the planet.

2. How do I convince my mom to get a wheelchair?

Rent one, have her try it out and encourage her and make the experience as positive as possible when she does.

3. Ready to move out, parents don't want me to leave, what should I do?

If you have the money, and you're fully ready to support yourself, you are an adult, there isn't anything they can do to stop you.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

4. Should I hate this friend?

Hate and friend should not be in the same sentence, if you have issues work them out, if you can't, no longer consider them a friend.

5. If you could talk to anyone for an hour, dead/alive, who would it be?

My aunt, and my namesake who died before I was born. Would have loved to know her just a little bit and tell her about me.

6. What the hell is going on?

Something. Something is going on. You get to the bottom of that thing!

7. Fighting with dad, want to confront, don't know if I should?

If the issue is going to bother you forever and a day, if you can't be honest with family and let them know something is troubling you, then who can you be honest with?

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

8. How different would your life be without siblings?

Board games would be awful.

9. Things are back to normal with us but I still feel like I failed. Why is that? If it was not for our mutual friend would we ever have worked it out?

Only you know that for sure.

10. Why don't dads teach their sons chivalry anymore?

Some do, some don't. It is what it is.

11. Friends drama, what should I do girls?

Deal with it, with them. Problem solve.

12. Would you ever be friends with someone who is gay?

Are you serious? Of course I would. I mean what's next...someone who is black, handicapped, a woman? That's a slippery slope to start ruling out people completely before you even get to know them. Irony is, if someone felt that way about you without knowing anything about you, you'd probably feel like that was unfair of them to pre-judge you.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

13. I dropped LSD in a drink that my grandma accidentally drunk, should I be terrified of going in her room for fear of what she might be experiencing?

Geezus! Go check on your grandmother ASAP....whom you just....poisoned with your drugs.

14. Why do I care about other people too much than myself?

Most people give better advice to others than themselves because it's easier when you don't have to put the work in to solve your own problems, but can tell others to do what they need to solve them.

15. What is this love for my friend?

Emotions, thoughts, feelings...those things. Deal.

16. How do I go about cutting things off?

Straight forward, to the point. Going around in circles will just lead to confusion.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

17. How can I make friends?

Go up to strangers, introduce yourself, start there. Join a group, club, school event, find a gym partner. There are online organizations for people wanting to meet friends. You're not going to make friends any other way really unless you meet them in person assuming you just don't want online friends.

18. If my guy friend cared about me at all why would he stop all communication because of a question I asked him?

You should probably honestly ask him that if it's driving you crazy. Friends don't just randomly ditch friends.

19. Why can't my father treat me like my age?

Some parents struggle. They always consider you their baby in some cases. You've just got to keep proving through your actions that you are mature, responsible, and working your way to being an adult. Probably when you move out, things will change up a bit.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

20. Do you think it's acceptable to make fun of your future mother in law and how do you deal with drama queens?

Make fun of...bully...those lines are real close. It's not okay if it's hurting the other person or would hurt them. Drama queens--love attention--you decide if you want to give it to them.

21. They don't know should I be mad at them?

Don't get mad, deal with the situation and don't let it fester.

22. I want to leave my job and go back to school?

No matter how much someone has helped you out, it is your life you are leading and you've got to do for you and make your own way to your own happiness. You shouldn't feel like you owe someone for their help. A thank you should suffice.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered

23. Why don't my parents understand the seriousness of my situation?

Make them understand as best you can, but ultimately if they don't see it, that's on them, not you.

24. Is it wrong for me to feel resentful?


25. As a parent, would you be okay with your teenage son/daughter being sexually active?

I think every parent to some degree would worry about this with pregnancy, STDs, their children being pressured or not, their kids safety, etc. I wouldn't be giving them the thumbs up or anything, but if they told me about it, I'd give them the safety talk, buy the condoms/BC and hope for the best. Kids will do what they want and the more you say no and threaten, the more they do. I'd keep talking to them until they were bored with the sound of my voice on safety, but yell, scream, threaten, no.

The First 25 GaG Questions Asked and Answered
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