Sorry Not Sorry

Sorry Not Sorry

Apologizing in 2017 apparently isn't what it used to be. According to the attitudes of our very own American president, it's seen as either a sign of weakness or a sort of shrug and F-off, because they believe they owe you nothing because they care not about anyone but themselves.

Apologizing is in my opinion, one of the tenants of trusting someone. Regardless if you are the sweetest kindest human being on the planet, you make mistakes from time to time because you're human. All of us hopefully recognize that, but in order for me to trust you, I must know that when you make an honest mistake or do something worse, you as a human being, have the ability to recognize this action, take responsibility for it, try your best not to do it again, and then we move on from it.

When you become a person who is "sorry not sorry," all the time, it highlights a persons inability to recognize anyone other than themselves and their own selfish wants and needs. It's pure narcissism. Second it indicates a level of extreme immaturity because even a child can recognize when they have done something wrong and want to make amends when they see the hurt on another's face meaning the sorry not sorry person lacks any kind of empathy towards others. Third it shows that a person is incapable of actually being able to repair their mistakes in anyway because one cannot improve upon oneself and their own actions, if one doesn't ever think there is anything to improve upon or that deserves the attention to fix.

Sorry Not Sorry

That is a very dangerous person to be around because it's fine with it's someone who bumps into you and spills your coffee, but what if it's something more gravely serious? Something that involves life and death and things that cannot be shrugged off as the whims of a narcissist. You become friends with these people, you let them in your life with this attitude, and given little time, you surely will find yourself at the mercy of this f-you and your apologies attitude they seem to assume.

To be clear, there is a vast sea of difference between the person who apologizes for everything ad naseum, especially for things they have not actually done and those that apologize for literally nothing. One should be capable of knowing when they have truly done someone wrong and man up or woman up and face the consequences of their actions and try their best to repair the damage they've caused. Why? Because as with trust, apologizing has a reciprocal nature. When someone has wronged you, you can't expect them to care or do anything about it in any manner, if you don't bother to do the same when the scope of reflection is on you. You reap what you sew, but this is one of the more dangerous fields that should not be treated so nonchalantly as to believe that one should be impervious to the treatment the dish out to those they surround themselves with, because like a fine boomerang, what goes round, comes round.

Sorry Not Sorry
11 Opinion