Don't see why she still texts me?

I told this Girl I've known for a month or 2 that I liked her and this was her response:

I'm flattered but I don't want anything at the moment with stuff going on and I don't want to lead you on and I don't expect you to like be waiting around for me to stop being weird, I totally didn't think you thought of me like that. Really flattered though.

We texted a bit after this just normal stuff, then I went to sleep, woke up the next day and just put it out my mind, I decided not to bother texting her anymore and wasn't expecting her to text me anymore either, yet yesterday and today she text me just like she normally would like nothing had been said, I don't get it, she ain't interested so why text me still ? I've only know her like 2 month at most so its not like we had a close friendship or anything before I told her I liked her.
Don't see why she still texts me?
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