My best guy friend has replaced me...what to do?

Stuff you need to know first:

Im female. The friend is male. We've been friends since birth, his dad and mine are best friends and we've grown up together. He goes to a military college and has Wed. nights, friday nights, saturdays and sundays available.

My best guy friend/best friend in general started dating this girl two years ago, whom he says he loves. At first when they hung out all the time and he sorta put me on the back burner I was fine with it, honeymoon phase and what not. As the relationship continues it seems I keep getting put farther and farther on his to-do list. I am not a huge fan of the girlfriend, and its mostly because she bitches if she is not with him 23hrs of his available day, but I am cordial with when we are together and I have tried to befriend her, but she sees me as a threat. We have always had a great friendship, and we've never argued and we even say we love each other. lately he tries to reconcile the situation with a pity date or has excuses on why we don't hang out as much, and usually I would take them.but its gotten to the point where its unbelievable and most have been proven wrong. I want my best friend back, but I don't want to be the bitch who gives him an ultimatum. I just don't understand if he can make time for her ALL the time, why can't he make I don't know one day every two weeks or month with me. I just don't know what to do.any advice would be helpful.
My best guy friend has replaced me...what to do?
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