Thoughts on irresponsible teen moms?

What are your thoughts and opinions on careless, irresponsible teen moms?

this subject really pisses me off. when I go out, I see TWELVE year old moms. like, seriously? my biggest pet peeve is a brainless teen who thinks they're cool having unprotected sex, then bringing a child into the world, and neglecting it, and not knowing how to properly care for it.

don't get me wrong, I have much respect for GOOD teen moms who give their child love, care, and make sure it has the best home possible. but for the teens who can't take care of their kid, they deserve a HUGE slap in the face. I hate the MTV show 'Teen Mom.' all it is, is immature 16 year old, drama-filled teen girls who have sex and have a kid. usually, there's no father figure around to support the child. how could you do that to an innocent baby? it's ridiculous. if you're gonna have a kid, make sure you're READY. and RESPONSIBLE, and MATURE. I'm 16, and I'm not having sex till I'm at least 20. and I'm not having a child till I'm married.

hahah, sorry for ranting. :)

what's your thoughts and opinions on irresponsible teenaged mothers?

p.s, NO hate to GOOD teen moms, only the irresponsible ones.

Thoughts on irresponsible teen moms?
12 Opinion