Why do women enjoy leading men on?

I really want to know the reason for this. Most women just lead men on by being extremely close, saying sweet things, sharing everything about their life etc. In short, they make it obvious to the men that they're interested. But if the men take the next step and ask them out, they reject them outright. And as if to add insult to injury, they start giving a lecture, saying that they were only being friendly, its the man's fault to have misinterpreted their friendliness as a possible romantic interest, and all that crap. We men aren't so foolish that we can't make out whether the woman is just being friendly or if she's actually interested. Its almost like women actually derive sadistic pleasure by leading men on, getting their hopes up and then breaking their heart within a moment. I agree that men too lead women on sometimes, but such cases are FAR LESS compared to women leading men on. So what could be the reason for this?

P.S. I'm not criticizing or judging women in any way. I just want to know what really goes through a women's mind when she falsely leads a man on. And men are welcome to throw in their opinions as well.
Why do women enjoy leading men on?
17 Opinion