Am I in the sister zone?

so I've known this guy for about 2 years now and recently I've started to like him romantically. Since skool started we've been getting closer and I walk with him to the bus stop while he waits to get picked up. anyway today when we were walking to class he grabbed one of my binders and our arms kinda touches anyway when I got to my class he touched my shoulder and said bye, then after skool when we were walking alone one of our friends sees us and starts walking with us and as we were talking says are you two like bro/sis or dating. and my crush/friend says I'm his little sis eventhough there is a few months age diff. then our friend left and we kept on walking and he was kinda playing with me and lightly pushed me... anyway I'm confused am I sister zoned or did he just say that cause our friend was there at the time? p.s. he doesn't talk to me about other girls... and he doesn't call me bro or dude he calls me by my first name or calls me by the nickname he gave me , white girl fyi I'm kinda tan/white. please help!
Am I in the sister zone?
4 Opinion