Skin whitening vs tanning


Skin whitening vs tanning

We live in such a world where in one place being honey is considered being beautiful and being fair/white is considered beauty.

Being honey or dusky is considered ugly and these people are spending money endlessly on skin lightening /whitening products

And people who are fair skinned they pay so much for bronzers, tanning products, sprays and what not as they don't wish to be called pale!

We need to realise that it is our insecurities that are being cashed on by large companies.

Why don't we just accept ourselves as we are rather than trying to ape someone.

Real beauty is yourself not the color of your skin.

I agree some people feel had they been a shade lighter or darker they feel they would look better

But honestly the way u are is the best you!!!

Take care and stay blessed.

Thanks for reading.

Skin whitening vs tanning
5 Opinion