My boyfriend always changes his mind & it seems like he doesn't love me anymore?

My boyfriend Nathan always changes his mind,he says I can come over or we can go to the movies or we can go out to dinner then last minute he cancels and says he is sorry but he has to do "family stuff" and then I find out he has just gone to a friends house and he has lied to me, also before we went out everyday he called me beautiful or gorgeous or hot or sexy he always complimented me but since we've been going out it's like he feels like he doesn't have to talk to ke anymore,it feels like he is just going out with me to say to his mated "guess what?,I'm going out with masckara birch" I feel like a piece of gum on his shoe useless but something he can be bothered getting rid of,

so I ask you all, does he still love me? Or am I overreacting? Should I give him space?dump him?love him and except him for who he is?
My boyfriend always changes his mind & it seems like he doesn't love me anymore?
3 Opinion