Why is being "goody good" or a goody-two shoes a turn-off?

good guys are never thought of as boyfriend material, and apparently some girls have the same problem. so its like why does having strong values or choosing to live a safer, healthy life and staying away from drugs and stuff, why its that a turn-off? or being more of a religious person and going to church and participating in church. why is that such a bad thing? or is this just an excuse for more of the less "goody good" people to get back at the good people and try to make themselves feel better about a few poor choices they may have made in life? and then immature people say mature people are boring. well, getting caught up in the wrong crowd tends to have an effect on you and warps you mind into being superficial for the wrong things, so I mean, that's not true at all. it seems like no one appreciates the finer things in life anymore or those that do the right thing and try to uphold a certain value called integrity.

no love for those people, instead we're criticized for... being smart, daring to be different, and obeying the law, parents, authority, etc? what a messed up world we live in... :/
Why is being "goody good" or a goody-two shoes a turn-off?
4 Opinion