How can I, as a dark skinned black female, make myself look exotic and beautiful?

Basically, I understand that there is an international standard of beauty which is all about promoting white looks. I don't look very white at all and I wouldn't change it for anyone's approval. I really love my skin color and my hair type. It's kind of my mission to prove to others that you don't have have white looks or be a whitened up ethnic person in order to be beautiful and sexy. I also just want to be that dark skinned black chick that makes some ignorant, small minded people think 'Wow, she's really pretty. I'm an idiot for thinking that dark skinned black girls like her couldn't look that good.'

So, any suggestions on how to make this happen?

I've kind of already started by working out; getting toned, making my already small waist look very tiny yet making my big butt look very bubbly. Because I know that black women can have body types that are difficult for other women to get: small waist/slim with curves. I'm also growing out my hair and I only wear it naturally. Apart of this process is showing how natural African features can be hot. I take vitamins that make my skin glow and use skin milk. What else can I do? Your overall opinion on this topic?

How can I, as a dark skinned black female, make myself look exotic and beautiful?
4 Opinion